My Online Book Shelf



By it's very nature, writing is an introspective, thoughtful activity. The process of writing a book will force you to turn your thoughts inward. Through writing, you'll gain perspective about what really matters to you. Writing a book will also teach you about the unique value of your own willpower.

My Books : Click here to read in

Facebook has many uses for us..there are also disadvantages of not knowing how to use it properly. Whether the media discusses a topic or not..there is no doubt that this is the fastest mass media that brings that information to us in seconds. But setting up Facebook properly requires some knowledge. That's why I have taken some time to bring you the important ones from hundreds of topics in a book. Hope this helps you 100 percent.

DTP in the field of publishing. Operators are the backbone. If the idea is to be converted into writing, the author is the source, to bring the writer's feelings to the public, and to convert them into a book, the middle bridge is DTP operators. This is a business that can be started with very little capital. DTP in many fields. There are uses. With this in mind... this book is intended to be as simple as possible to enable everyone to read it. I have divided it into three parts.

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Graphics... graphics... graphics... this word is new everywhere. It is not surprising that these graphics are widely used in electronic/print media. Graphics in paper, graphics in film, graphics in ads, graphics in channels... Speaking of which...ha...Photoshop is a photography software... it allows you to make graphics of a photo as you want. Starting with how to get started with Photoshop...

1. Photoshop Basic Window

2. Tool Box Components

3. Water reflection effect

4. Rainbow effect

5. Night light effect

6. 3D Texts Effect

7. Pencil outlining

8. Compose greetings

9. Moon light, fire working effect

Here are 10 effects explained including step wise details. Although I wanted to use Telugu words as much as possible, I had to use some of the options directly for convenience. I have tried to provide graphics to be used at the next level in Photoshop. Dear readers who have supported me so far, I hope that I will present my first ever Photoshop training book titled "Magic Photoshop".

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Note : My Books in Telugu language 


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